about me

I’m Mel, freelance Food Journalist and Food Photographer telling stories about Coffee & Tea. 

Welcome to my website! Great to have you here!


Can you keep a secret?

But please don’t tell anyone… Promise?


Until the age of 28 I never touched a cup of coffee! I just didn’t like it…

Phew, it’s out!

Still there? Great!

Now, of course, it’s totally different!

Today, about 10 years later, I’m a passionate coffee drinker with lots of coffee gear and with several coffee packages stocked up in my coffee kitchen.

I just love the ‘Coffee Nerd Talk’ with like-minded coffee fans and friends, am traveling to coffee festivals, attending seminars & workshops.

Right from the beginning I was fascinated by the people, the maker behind our cup of coffee and their stories. My trips to the USA (2016) or to East & South East Asia (2017/18) for several months let me delve deeper into the life & work of coffee enthusiasts, but also coffee shop owners and roasters, traders & buyers as well as coffee farmers.

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Cupping in Peru

While traveling I’ve not only visited coffee growing countries such as Peru, Vietnam and Indonesia, but also cities like Tokyo, Chiang Mai and New York and their bustling Third Wave Coffee Culture.

In 2019 I’ve lived on a Japanese tea farm for several months to learn more about Japanese tea from leaf to cup to broaden my horizon outside of coffee.

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Wazuka, Japan

I’m sharing my adventures with my Community on Instagram or write about it on my Blog Mel’s Coffee Travels.

Always with me, my Laptop and my Camera.

Both became my main working tools in the recent years.

Maybe also for you!

Do you want more attention & awareness for your coffee or tea product?

Do you need more reach for your coffee or tea brand and engagement with the right people?

Are you looking for thrilling stories, exciting content or knowledgable specialist texts?

Then you came to the right page!

When I’m not writing for my customers or behind the camera, I’m active on Instagram. As a social media influencer and coffee marketer, I’m part of the coffee community myself. So I know what makes your target group tick!

Due to my 7+ years experience in the coffee industry, 4+ years in the tea industry and my global network you’ll get:

  • Coffee- and Tea-Expertise
  • Reach on Social Media
  • International Connections in the coffee & tea industry
  • Creative Coffee-& Tea-Content, in words & pictures.

You managed to read down to here?! Amazing!

Before you leave, I’d like to give you three small private facts about me:

  1. I am a passionate hobby cook and baker and love to invite friends & family for breakfast or dinner. But please only veggie/vegan.
  2. My heart beats for Japan. This fascinating country in the very east of Asia accompanies me already 2/3 of my life.
  3. To the question ‚Mel, what do you like better – mountains or sea?‘ I would probably always answer: the forest!!! That’s the place I can recharge my batteries….

P.S. Have a look at my newest and dearest project, Mel inspires.